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    Concert Square


    A mixed-use space in Liverpool

    Our first ever development, we took this Brownfield site - formerly occupied by a disused shed - and delivered a RIBA Award winning scheme of 18 loft apartments and 20,500 sq ft of commercial space - now brimming with bars, galleries and creative businesses at the heart of Liverpool's nightlife.

    Though it was completed 20 years ago, Concert Square is still heralded as the scheme that kickstarted the regeneration of the vibrant Ropewalks area. Once completely uninhabited, the creation of a new concept of loft apartment and some awesome commercial spaces helped attract a new generation of people who wanted to live, work and play in this contemporary urban environment.

    By knocking down the disused shed that formerly occupied the site, we were able to carefully plan out the various uses that would form Concert Square; we looked beyond just the internal aesthetics, using space outside to create a new public square. This external terrace was a big appeal to the commercial occupiers who moved onto the site, as it gave the bar and restaurant operators an al fresco option which the customers loved (even with some questionable northern weather!). Concert Square is currently home to the likes of Modo, The Lime Kiln and Soho.

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    To date we have won 400 awards for architecture, regeneration, marketing and enterprise.

    Take a look at some of the awards Concert Square has won.

    Project / Client

    Civic Trust Award 1998 - Concert Square

    Concert Square
    01 March 1998

    BURA Best Practice Award in Urban Regeneration Association 1997

    Concert Square
    01 January 1997

    RIBA Award for Architecture 1997

    Concert Square
    01 January 1997

    Merseyside Tourism Award 1997 for Tourism & the Environment

    Concert Square
    01 January 1997

    Merseyside Civic Society 1996 - Award for Conservation - Concert Square

    Concert Square
    01 March 1996

    RIBA Award for Architecture 1996 - Concert Square Buildings

    Concert Square
    01 January 1996

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