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    Ever wondered who builds our award winning buildings? We do. Urban Splash. US.

    We build ourselves to develop better relationships with the people we work with, the architects and the contractors, so that we spend less time with lawyers and more time building buildings.

    We do it to manage the risk ourselves. To get the quality right, to be sure that the bricks and the concrete are as good in real life as they are in the architects' dreams.

    We've built a lot so far: nearly £1,000 million of buildings, over 2 million sq ft of commercial floor space, and thousands of new homes.

    New sites

    You know that old bit of wasteland next to the river that really should be something? You know that old church, or street, or factory that you hate to see standing empty?

    Well, we don't. But we want to. Your cities need you. Email and we'll see what we can do.